Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

‘Barbaric’ cruelty will cost you, says law chief


THE authoritie­s will hunt down those responsibl­e for “barbaric” animal cruelty such as that shown by Angus gamekeeper Rhys Davies, the Crown Office has pledged.

Davies was jailed for 210 days on Monday for neglecting a pack of dogs he had kept for hunting and fighting foxes and badgers.

The 28-year-old, who now lives in Wales, was also banned from being involved with animals for 15 years and fined £1,800 for firearms offences.

He was caught in a raid after sending pictures to a printer which showed his criminal activities.

SSPCA officers and police found 11 dogs in varying states of neglect – five found to have been used in fighting – and items consistent with his self-treatment of their wounds.

Unsecured weaponry and ammunition were also found in his rural cottage.

Davies’s phone clearly indicated he had been part of a dog-fighting ring.

Speaking after his sentencing at Forfar Sheriff Court, Karon Rollo, head of the wildlife and environmen­tal crime unit at the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service of (COPFS), said: “Animal fighting is a cruel illegal activity which causes terrible and unnecessar­y suffering to animals.

“The evidence clearly shows the scope of the involvemen­t Rhys Davies had with an organised group that took pleasure in killing wild animals in such a wicked and inhumane manner.

“The COPFS will continue to work to ensure those who participat­e in these barbaric practices are prosecuted and would encourage anyone who may have informatio­n on animal fighting to contact Police Scotland or the Scottish SPCA.”

Scottish SPCA chief superinten­dent Mike Flynn said: “All of the hallmarks of a person involved in animal fighting can be found in this case.

“This includes attempting to treat serious injuries without a vet, bragging to others about those injuries and trying to get ‘trophies’ such as photos as keepsakes of those fights.”

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