Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Dozing dealer was nabbed after nap


A DOZING drugs-on-wheels dealer was caught with cocaine worth thousands of pounds after falling asleep in his car on a Dundee street.

Alan Wallace was “struggling to keep his eyes open” when officers tapped on his window after a complaint from a resident.

He was 500 miles from home when he was arrested in Duncarse Road on November 18 2020.

Perth Sheriff Court heard officers searched his Audi TT after finding a capsule of cannabis in his pocket.

They recovered hundreds of small packages of the class-A drug cocaine, as well as scales and snapbags.

Wallace, from Newham, London, admitted being concerned in the supply of cocaine and pled guilty to possession cannabis.

Fiscal depute Joanne Ritchie told the court: “Police received a phone call on November 18 regarding a man who appeared to be sleeping in an Audi TT.

“At around 7.25am, officers attended. The accused was woken up in his vehicle.”

Ms Ritchie told the court: “Police were under the impression the accused was under the influence, due to his presentati­on.

“There did not appear to be a smell of alcohol, however, there was a strong smell of cannabis. He was slurring his speech, was slow to react and was struggling to keep his eyes open.” Wallace, 32, was searched and a small capsule containing herbal matter was found.

He was put in the back of the police car while more officers were brought in to help search his vehicle.

They found a blue tin containing cannabis and a concealed amount of cash.

Among the haul was cocaine worth around £6,280 separated into 220 plastic bags.

The total amount of drugs found were valued at nearly £7,000.

Ms Ritchie confirmed that proceeds of crime laws will be used to reclaim an undisclose­d amount of cash found.

“He lives with his parents in London,” Wallace’s lawyer said. “He doesn’t have a significan­t record. He has a previous conviction for possession of cannabis.

“Mr Wallace became embroiled in this matter following an addiction problem, which led to the breakdown of a relationsh­ip.

“I would ask that the court keeps all options open and continue Mr Wallace’s bail.”

Sheriff Alistair Carmichael told Wallace: “I’m going to ask for a background report and this case will call again in a few weeks.”

The sheriff said the court was considerin­g a restrictio­n of liberty curfew.

“There may be some kind of assessment carried out on your residence to see if electronic monitoring can be put in place,” he said.

Wallace was released on bail. He will be sentenced at Dundee Sheriff Court in May.

 ?? ?? Alan Wallace.
Alan Wallace.

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