Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Mums roll dice with new plan for board game cafe


DUNDEE’S Murraygate could soon be home to a new board game cafe.

Combining their love of board games and good food, Laura Stevenson and Emma Barry have revealed their plan for the new addition to the city – named Cake or Dice.

With hopes to open the cafe on the Dundee street, the duo plan to team up with others to raise £15,000 for the community project.

Driven by a passion to combat loneliness, the Brechin-based mums say they want to create a warm, welcoming space for everyone.

While the cafe will seek to attract Dundee’s dedicated gamers and adventurer­s, Laura and Emma say it will also have strong focus on supporting local people.

In an announceme­nt launching the plans, they said: “At the heart of the cafe is our passion for helping the community.

“We are already both very active and have been for many years.

“When it came to creating a space, we wanted to make sure it would serve the community, not just cake and games, but so much more.”

Both Emma and Laura experience­d isolation after being diagnosed with longterm illness, so are keen to help others experienci­ng similar issues.

They added: “Cake or Dice will provide a safe, warm, and welcoming space with comfy chairs, cushions and the odd blanket or two to make sure that you feel right at home.

“We want to invite customers to leave the everyday stresses of daily life at the door and enter a mystical and magicalthe­med setting.

“Once in the cafe, the customers can enjoy a meal and save a meal for someone else.

“If you are feeling a bit lonely, don’t worry, there is always someone that will happily have a chat or play a game with.”

No final location has been secured, but the pair are keen to explore renting a vacant former charity shop on the Murraygate.

It could help plug a gap in the area, which has seen a number of businesses close, including the Game store and nearby Farmfoods.

M&S also has plans to exit the area with the opening of a new superstore elsewhere in Dundee.

The pair are now seeking backers who want to support the project, with those who donate eligible for a variety of special awards.

Laura and Emma added: “To bring the cafe to life, there is a Crowdfunde­r to raise some much-needed funds.”

 ?? ?? WINNING COMBINATIO­N: Laura Stevenson and Emma Barry plan to open ‘Cake or Dice’ in Dundee. Picture by Gareth Jennings.
WINNING COMBINATIO­N: Laura Stevenson and Emma Barry plan to open ‘Cake or Dice’ in Dundee. Picture by Gareth Jennings.
 ?? ?? Cake or Dice will provide a safe, warm and welcoming space.
Cake or Dice will provide a safe, warm and welcoming space.

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