Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Shock as brick is launched at bus


A DUNDEE bus user has told of his shock as a brick was hurled through the back window of an Xplore vehicle.

He was travelling at around 9pm on Monday when the brick was launched at the bus outside Asda in Kirkton.

The number 10 bus, which was carrying around a dozen passengers, was forced to terminate as the back window was smashed.

No one was injured in the incident, which has been reported to police.

One anonymous passenger said: “I heard two big bangs and then a smash.

“A brick had come through the back of a bus.

“Luckily there was no younger kids or older, vulnerable people on the bus.

“It could have been a lot worse. “The bus driver made sure we were all OK, he came up to us all and asked if everyone was all right.

“As far as I could tell everybody seemed absolutely fine.”

It is the latest in a string of attacks on Xplore buses and comes weeks after bosses of the Dundee bus company called for more police action to tackle antisocial behaviour.

The 25-year-old, who commutes to and from work on the bus most days, added: “I spoke to the bus driver and this seems to be happening all the time.

“It’s no wonder buses are getting cancelled and we have a driver shortage when this is happening.

“I’ve seen a lot of kids causing havoc on the bus, screaming and shouting over stupid things.

“I even saw an old lady get hit by a chip a few weeks ago – it’s just not nice to see.

“It’s not what you want to see on your way to and from work, to get hassled by kids.

“Bus shelters have been getting smashed too.”

An Xplore spokespers­on said: “We can confirm one of our buses was attacked by a group of youths on Monday at approximat­ely 8.55pm which resulted in the rear window of the vehicle being smashed.

“Thankfully no passengers sustained injuries on this occasion.

“The incident has been reported to Police Scotland and we have provided key informatio­n that will assist them in identifyin­g those responsibl­e for this criminal act.”

Police Scotland has been approached for comment.

 ?? ?? The smashed window of the bus.
The smashed window of the bus.

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