Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Scheme to encourage sporty kids


A NEW initiative to support school pupils within sport, both at a national and local level, has been launched by city hub Leisure and Culture Dundee.

The Dundee Sports Stars programme aims to encourage pupils to be positive role models in their schools and promote sport in their school and community.

The scheme is part of an extensive effort to support performanc­ebased athletes in Dundee, as well as across the rest of Tayside and Fife.

Leisure and Culture Dundee recently expanded its Dundee Athlete Performanc­e Programme, which offers strength and conditioni­ng classes as well as athlete education opportunit­ies.

It also set up the National Athlete Access Programme, offering free and supported access to fitness suites, swimming pools and sport specific facilities to national athletes from Dundee.

And it establishe­d the RPC

Developing Athlete Programme which provides strength and conditioni­ng sessions to all athletes.

The work is linked to the investment from the Tayside and Fife Sporting Partnershi­p into the Tayside and Fife performanc­e co-ordinator role, which aims to improve support to performanc­e athletes across the region.

Students from St Johns RC High School joined for the programme’s launch yesterday.

Judy Dobbie, managing director of Leisure and Culture Dundee, said: “The Dundee Sports Stars programme will increase the number of national athletes benefiting from the support available and help promote fantastic sporting opportunit­ies within our schools and local communitie­s.”

Any pupils who sign up can benefit from a number of existing support programmes and also get guidance from the Active Schools Team.

 ?? ?? STAR TURN: Pupils from St Johns RC High School at the launch.
STAR TURN: Pupils from St Johns RC High School at the launch.

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