Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Paltrow ‘hit skier and then bolted’


GWYNETH Paltrow “slammed” into another skier and then “bolted” down the slope without saying a word, a US court has heard.

The Oscar-winning actress is alleged to have collided with Terry Sanderson, leaving him unresponsi­ve at the Deer Valley Resort in Utah in 2016.

Mr Sanderson, a retired optometris­t, is suing Paltrow over the incident, with proceeding­s taking place in Park City, Utah.

During the first day of the trial yesterday, jurors heard from Craig

Ramon, who had been skiing with Mr Sanderson. Mr Ramon said he had heard a “loud” scream and saw a skier, later identified as Paltrow, crash into Mr Sanderson, leaving him “spread-eagled”.

“We were skiing down the run and then I heard this yell, this scream, and then I looked over and... then I see this skier just slam into the back of Terry,” he said.

“She slammed him very hard. She hits him directly in the back, his skis go out and he falls face down, so he’s kind of spread-eagled and Gwyneth is on top of him... and bounces off and slides about five or 10 feet.”

Mr Ramon said he was the only person present at the time of the

collision and that he had asked both Mr Sanderson and Paltrow if they were alright. He said Paltrow got up quickly “but never said a word”.

The court heard that a Deer Valley ski instructor, later identified as Eric Christians­en, had arrived and started “yelling” at Mr Sanderson.

He said that Paltrow had then “bolted” down the hill, with Mr Christians­en telling him “your buddy just took out Gwyneth Paltrow”.

The defence is seeking damages of up to $3.3 million (£2.7m).

Paltrow has filed a countercla­im, alleging that Mr Sanderson had hit her and delivered a full “body blow”, and is seeking damages of one dollar.

 ?? ?? CRASH: Gwyneth Paltrow exits the courtroom in Park City, Utah, where she is being sued over a skiing incident.
CRASH: Gwyneth Paltrow exits the courtroom in Park City, Utah, where she is being sued over a skiing incident.

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