Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Group’s city mosaic is straight from the art


A DUNDEE-BASED community group has collaborat­ed with a local artist to help connect people to their hometown through art.

The Dundee Futures Project, run by Scottish charity Hillcrest Futures, aims to work with people who would like to increase their confidence, meet new people and improve both their physical and mental health.

They do this by offering oneto-one support and delivering activities such as cooking, art and walking sessions.

Recently, a number of members from the project have worked closely with local artist Pamie Bennett to create a colourful piece of artwork to represent their home city of Dundee.

The project is based in the Hilltown area of the city and aims to support anyone over the age of 16 to experience a range of activities.

Niamh Kelly, Dundee Futures project worker, said: “Last year, we began an art project designed to be challengin­g and engaging, with an end product that we could be proud of.

“When we first met, we sat with a large piece of blank paper in front of us and started the process of

deciding what we could do. After lots of discussion­s and sketching out ideas, we chose to make a paper mosaic of the Dundee skyline to represent the city’s past, present and future.

“We collected magazines, photograph­s, various textures and colours, then layered the pieces to make shapes and arranged them into something new.

“We chose landmark buildings, features and icons that symbolise Dundee and we individual­ly worked on these sections.

“We wanted the mosaic to reflect the changes Dundee has undergone and continues to undergo. We divided the piece into three sections, past, present and future, and chose a colour palette

that described the environmen­tal and social experience­s of each time period, moving from sepias and greys reminiscen­t of Dundee’s industrial past, overcrowde­d living conditions and poverty, to iridescent, neon colours of hope for a better, brighter future Dundee for us all.

“We are really proud of the finished mosaic and would like to thank Pamie for all of her support and encouragem­ent.”

An anonymous participan­t from the art project added: “Looking at the finished mosaic and how good it looks, it’s hard to remember how I doubted myself. Being part of this project has given me skills that I can take away.”

 ?? ?? The mosaic of Dundee aims to capture the many changes the city has undergone in its history – as well as changes that are shaping its future.
The mosaic of Dundee aims to capture the many changes the city has undergone in its history – as well as changes that are shaping its future.
 ?? ?? WORKING TOGETHER: The art participan­ts from the Dundee Futures Project with their impressive mosaic of Dundee as a backdrop.
WORKING TOGETHER: The art participan­ts from the Dundee Futures Project with their impressive mosaic of Dundee as a backdrop.

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