Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

George Cran Keep performing like last night and Dee win the title


DUNDEE in 2023 have been waiting for something to kickstart their Championsh­ip title charge.

Form has been more down than up since the turn of the year, victories in short supply in league games.

But all a team needs is one match where it clicks and suddenly they are off and running.

The Dark Blues might just have had that last night at Dens Park.

They were excellent from the first whistle against Ayr United.

The Honest Men had some chances, particular­ly in the first half, but we saw the kind of Dundee performanc­e we’ve been expecting all season.

Fans have been calling for

Alex Jakubiak to partner Zach Robinson up front.

Their wish was granted by manager Bowyer and the front two showed exactly why there has been a clamour to get the pair together on the park.

Back in February they combined brilliantl­y to rip Cove Rangers apart and the second goal last night was almost a carbon copy.

If those two keep that up, not many teams in this division can live with them.

It was a really enjoyable game to watch – put Saturday’s clash at Firhill and this one at Dens side by side and you’d have no idea it was the same level of football.

Dundee’s performanc­e against Ayr was the difference of night and day to a really poor afternoon at Partick Thistle.

That up and down nature to

their performanc­es is something they just have to avoid between now and the end of the season.

Consistenc­y counts for everything now in the title race.

Dundee have been lucky that their inconsiste­ncy this term hasn’t been properly punished by any of the other teams in the division.

Now, though, it’s time to kick into gear.

The problem they have is they don’t have the opportunit­y to follow it up immediatel­y.

Momentum is a wonderful thing in football but there’s little chance of that when you have to wait 10 days for the next game.

Queen’s Park could easily be seven points clear again by that point.

But the Dee do have 10 days now to enjoy one of the best nights of the campaign.

And the entire squad will have been given a lift after that display.

To a man, they were on it. Everyone excelled, from front to back.

Yes, the strike duo will get the headlines but the likes of Luke McCowan, Jordan McGhee and Lee Ashcroft really did deliver when they needed to.

Pressure was on and the display and result was badly

needed. Just imagine if things had gone pear-shaped last night, Ayr win and Dundee’s hopes of the title evaporate and the boos ring out at Dens.

Instead, Dundee’s players have injected real life into their campaign and belief among the fans.

Amazing what one performanc­e can do.

It can’t just be a one-time deal, however.

Perform like that week in, week out between now and May and Dundee will win this title.

It’s up to the Dark Blues to meet the standard they’ve now set themselves.

 ?? ?? DOUBLE ACT: Alex Jakubiak and Zach Robinson linked well in the vital win against Ayr United.
DOUBLE ACT: Alex Jakubiak and Zach Robinson linked well in the vital win against Ayr United.

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