Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Rayner and her house of cards


LABOUR’S deputy leader Angela Rayner has stirred up a real tempest, hasn’t she?

Here’s the skinny: Rayner, right, who’s been railing against the right-to-buy policy, turns out to have made a tidy £48,500 profit from selling her ex-council house that she bought under the same scheme.

The irony’s thicker than a Dundee fog, isn’t it?

Rayner’s trying to wriggle out of this one, claiming she’s not being a hypocrite but doing “the right thing”. She says she’s all about fairness, but let’s call a spade a spade – it seems like she’s happy to use the ladder of opportunit­y, then kick it away once she’s reached the top.

Now, here’s where it gets personal. My mother, and countless others like her, have benefited from this policy. It’s given them security, pride, and a sense of ownership. Why would Labour, with Rayner leading the charge, want to deny hardworkin­g people the same chance?

Rayner’s defence? She’s taking a jab at the Tories, saying they’ve made the dream of a secure home unreachabl­e for many. But let’s not forget, she made her profit under the same policy she’s now attacking. Talk about having your cake and eating it too!

Labour’s plan? To review and potentiall­y slash these “unfair” market discounts. But wait, isn’t this the same discount that helped Rayner climb the property ladder? If that’s not hypocrisy, I don’t know what is.

And the cherry on top? There’s a bit of a mystery around Rayner’s living arrangemen­ts post-marriage. Different addresses, electoral roll confusion – it’s like a plot out of a soap opera.

To sum up, Rayner’s stance on the right-to-buy policy is as clear as mud. She’s played the game, won the prize, and now wants to change the rules. If that’s not pulling up the ladder, I don’t know what is.

It’s time for Labour to stop playing politics with people’s dreams and start offering solutions. And as for Rayner, maybe it’s time for a bit of introspect­ion about what “doing the right thing” really means.

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