Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Creep caught in paedophile hunt


A CREEP from Dundee made sexual remarks to what he thought were two underage girls before being caught by paedophile hunters.

Raymond Tait joked he was old enough to be the father of one of the “girls” before it was revealed he had actually been speaking to two adults.

The 48-year-old pled guilty to trying to communicat­e with children from his home on Clepington Road.

Dundee Sheriff Court heard how unemployed Tait used the dating site Wink to approach ‘Alice’, claiming to be aged 12, and ‘Olivia’, who was said to be 13.

He made a series of lewd remarks in a string of conversati­ons before giving out his phone number over WhatsApp.

Prosecutor Lynne Mannion said: “The accused asked ‘Alice’ about hobbies and school before conversati­on became sexual.

“He said he bet she looked sexy in her bra and pants.”

Referring to the chats with ‘Olivia’, Mrs Mannion added: “The accused said that he couldn’t believe she was 13 and thought she was 18. He said she was really hot.

“He gave her his mobile number and sent a picture of himself. ‘Olivia’ had mentioned coming home from school and wanting out of her uniform and the accused said: ‘Bet you look good in it though lol.’

“He said: ‘You’re well fit, just a shame I am old enough to be your dad lol.’”

Tait was later confronted by members of the Protecting Kids Scotland group, an encounter which was live-streamed on social media.

Ms Mannion said: “The accused initially denied any knowledge but later confirmed that the profile was his. He said: ‘I know it was stupid.’”

Police were contacted and Tait was arrested before making further remarks and admissions to officers.

The offences occurred between May and October 2022 at Tait’s home and elsewhere.

Sheriff Martin Edington deferred sentence until next month for reports to be prepared and Tait was placed on the sex offenders register.

 ?? ?? Raymond Tait was fooled in chats.
Raymond Tait was fooled in chats.

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