Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Driver was not asleep


A CARELESS driver has admitted causing a twolorry crash that brought the A90 to a standstill – but was cleared of sleeping at the time.

Former soldier Ryan Trott ploughed his vehicle into the back of another HGV in a “sudden loss of judgement.”

But the 36-year-old was cleared of falling asleep at the wheel when he appeared at Perth Sheriff Court.

Trott was originally charged with dangerous driving after the accident on August 3 last year. However, he pled guilty to a reduced charge of driving carelessly and failing to maintain a proper look out.

Fiscal depute Elizabeth Hodgson said Trott was driving his HGV north along the A90 at about 9.20am.

She said the driver of the second lorry had pulled into a layby to check his haulage.

“He signalled to come out of the lay-by and into lane one. He waited until there was a suitable gap before manoeuvrin­g out onto the carriagewa­y.”

Ms Hodgson said: “As he began to accelerate, the accused was travelling towards the complainer’s vehicle at about 55mph. The accused failed to observe the slow moving vehicle in front of him.

The fiscal depute told the court: “Both vehicles came to a stop. The accused and the complainer were able to exit their lorries and call emergency services.”

When police arrived, Trott confirmed he had been driving. At the time, police issued an appeal for dashcam footage of the crash.

They confirmed both drivers were injured.

The collision led to tailbacks stretching back towards the Friarton Bridge.

Solicitor Kris Buchanan, defending, said his client had been transporti­ng carrots from Penrith to Longforgan.

“He had stopped at Hamilton for his rest as required.

“He had been traveling for about an hour or so before this incident.”

He said: “Mr Trott accepts he simply had a loss of judgement and concentrat­ion.

“He failed to take account of the vehicle moving slowly in front of him.”

The court heard Trott has never had any points imposed on his driving licence.

“He was in the army as an infantry soldier when he obtained his class one licence.

“He has since been driving profession­ally for nine years without incident.

Mr Buchanan said: “In January, he gave up his employment as a driver and now works as a night-shift warehouse operative for Tesco.

“He needs his licence to drive to work.”

Sheriff Alison McKay told Trott: “Obviously, when you walked into court this morning you were facing a far more serious charge than the one you pled guilty to.

“This is still serious however, given the types of vehicles involved.”

Trott, of Arranview Street, Chapelhall, was fined £600 and had seven points added to his licence.

 ?? ?? CARELESS: Ryan Trott was cleared of sleeping when he crashed.
CARELESS: Ryan Trott was cleared of sleeping when he crashed.

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