Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Deportatio­n a risk for break-ins thief

A THIEF could be deported after being locked up for targeting student flats in Dundee.


Mariusz Domzalski made off with more than £1,600 worth of goods including rings, a games console and a set of clippers.

He was jailed for 15 months after admitting a series of thefts in 2022 from three flats at The Hub on Hawkhill and a property on St Andrews Lane.

Solicitor Anika Jethwa said her client is currently the subject of an immigratio­n investigat­ion and would be taken to the Dungavel removal centre when he has completed his prison stint.

Dundee Sheriff Court heard how the Polish national – who was jailed in May 2023 for stealing a £1,200 Gucci bag – had forced his way into the St Andrews Lane property while its occupants were inside.

The woman left her room at 1am to go to the kitchen but was made aware a short time later by her flatmate some of his property had been stolen.

Domzalski had damaged the front door and was captured on CCTV leaving through a fire exit.

He later tried to sell airpods and a hard drive to the CEX store in the city centre.

Two rings, an Alexa mini, backpack, wallet, two ID cards, hard drive, USB, charger, headphones, airpods and glasses case he stole on May 22 2022 were worth £694 and less than half of this was recovered.

On two occasions on May 24 and May 27, Domzalski was seen on CCTV entering block C at The Hub.

Prosecutor Carrie-Anne Mackenzie said: “The witness is the owner of a speaker and camera which was on open display in the kitchen along with a bottle of vodka.

“The vodka was noted to be missing on May 25 and after receiving an email on May 27 about recent thefts, the witness noted her speaker and camera were also missing.”

Occupants of another flat had trainers, a laptop adaptor, two jackets, a games console, games and a bracelet stolen.

A USB adaptor, two bottles of alcohol, a portable Wi-Fi projector, Bluetooth speaker, a set of clippers and an electric shaver were taken from a third property.

On June 1, the occupant of a flat woke up to find his wallet had been stolen. His debit card was declined in McDonald’s when Domzalski tried to use it.

The 45-year-old, a prisoner at HMP Perth, previously pled guilty to the offences and returned to court for sentencing after reports.

Sheriff Alastair Carmichael said: “The only available disposal here is a custodial sentence.

“I will take into account your early plea in this case and the fact you only have one previous conviction.

“However, that conviction is recent and is similar to the current charges.

“In all of these cases, the occupiers were present in the building when you carried out these thefts.”

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The Hub.

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