Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Ninewells wallet thief drove after ‘abusing’ drugs


A NINEWELLS Hospital worker who stole a nursing student’s wallet and was found slumped behind the wheel of his car while under the influence of drugs is set to lose his job.

Scott Sivewright, 48, appeared at Dundee Sheriff Court in relation to both offences.

He is still awaiting sentencing for targeting his hospital colleague while on his cleaning shift last year.

But he was immediatel­y banned from driving after being caught asleep at the wheel after “abusing” prescripti­on medication.

Prosecutor Larissa Milligan said police were on the city’s Emmock Road at around 7pm on January 6 this year when they came across a Hyundai, which was stationary on the road.

Sivewright was the sole occupant in the car, which had its engine running.

The court heard officers believed he was asleep.

Ms Milligan said: “They found some damage to the tyres and front offside panel of the vehicle.

“The accused had his head forwards and facing down and appeared to be asleep.

“The accused lowered the window and the officers noted his speech was slow and slurred.

“He was very drowsy and his pupils were narrow.”

Sivewright said he had pulled over because he was tired and police formed the impression he was under the influence of a substance.

He said after his arrest it was a “joke” but continued to fall asleep while being questioned by officers.

Ms Milligan told how Sivewright had also stolen a wallet containing a bank card and earphones from a third-year student on March 6 2023.

Defence solicitor Lisa Duffus told the court her client would lose his job at Ninewells.

She said he receives numerous forms of prescribed medication and had been “abusing” them in the run-up to the driving incident.

Sivewright, of Lulworth Court in Dundee, admitted stealing the wallet and driving while unfit through drink or drugs.

Sheriff John Rafferty disqualifi­ed Sivewright from driving for three years and fined him £667.

Sentence was deferred on the theft until next month.

 ?? ?? Scott Sivewright.
Scott Sivewright.

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