Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Transport gaps could be filled


I WRITE in response to your correspond­ent Fraser (Tele letters,

April 17).

Unlike the SNP, who have simply axed supported bus services to the detriment of the communitie­s these served, the Liberal Democrat Group would ensure there is a full review on gaps in public transport provision and work with the bus companies and the third and charitable sector providers to fill these gaps through a mix of supported services and community transport solutions.

If properly planned in terms of routes, timetablin­g and promotion, these will have income generation through fares and would not simply be a cost to the public purse.

The Dundee Liberal Democrat Group had a fully costed budget alternativ­e to the SNP’s budget.

Not only would our budget have avoided the SNP axe to bus services 204, 206 and 236, it would have ensured more capital funding for roads and pavements improvemen­ts, saved 32 teacher posts axed by the SNP and increases street cleaning staff. It would have been paid for through savings across the council in areas like equipment and furniture, promotion, marketing, catering and hospitalit­y. This would include scrapping the second civic vehicle and removing alcohol purchases.

Under the SNP, supported bus services in Dundee have been decimated – and it is not just public transport support, but also the network infrastruc­ture.

Look at the number of bus stops with no bus timetables and the number of dirty and damaged bus shelters.

Under the SNP, the council’s latest wheeze is to propose removing dozens of bus stops, which will mean passengers will have to walk further to find a bus stop. You couldn’t make it up!

This is not the way to promote and encourage use of public transport.

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