
Guilty plea


EVO HAS BEEN PART OF MY MOTORING ADDICTION FOR nearly two decades now; it’s the standout among a crowded press. There have been ups and downs in that time but the latest undercurre­nt attitude has me baffled. The green guilt and shame writhing from the Inbox and sneaking its way into the articles is turning the magazine into a confession box for enthusiast­s. Forgive me father, for I have redlined.

Teslas and Taycans are great for their green credential­s, but we thought the same about a BMW 320d twenty years ago. Public perception is fickle, as it always will be. Efuels will come in time and until then carbon offsetting is a much better choice than buying a car that the masses think is saintly on this spin of the media merry-goround, only to be called a sinner the next.

Car lovers and planet lovers live in the same world; the decision isn’t binary. I hope we pass this moment together with a sigh of realisatio­n. Guilt has no place in these pages.

Miles Lewis

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