
Mazda MX-5 2.0 GT Sport Tech

It’s our little winter wonder

- Sam Jenkins (@evosamj)

IT’S MY FIRST WINTER WITH AN MX-5, and although a rear-drive sports car wearing summer tyres perhaps isn’t the most sensible option at this time of year, it’s proving to be a loyal companion. Slick roads and sub-zero temperatur­es had me concerned the Mazda might be less than friendly, but that couldn’t be further from the reality.

Admittedly, as I write I’ve managed to avoid snow and ice, but the MX-5 still deserves credit for remaining predictabl­e and enjoyable to drive. Our car is fitted with the optional lowering springs and Bilstein dampers, but its spring rates remain surprising­ly low, which must be a contributo­ry factor here.

With a sensible displaceme­nt, the speed at which the MX-5’S engine comes up to temperatur­e is also rather pleasant after the Fast Fleet C63. Despite its fabric roof, the Mazda’s small cabin warms up quickly too, and although this particular car lacks a heated steering wheel, its powerfully heated seats compensate nicely.

With VX22 KHE now nearing 6000 miles, the 2-litre Skyactiv-g four-cylinder feels noticeably slicker than it did six months ago, revving more freely and offering marginally stronger low-end torque. Its six-speed ’box also remains one of the finest I’ve sampled, with a short, satisfying throw that simply never gets old.

In fact, our MX-5 as a whole only seems to improve with each drive, its dynamic quirks and sheer simplicity providing an experience you’d struggle to find elsewhere. Thankfully the kind folk at Mazda don’t need it back for a while yet.

Date acquired July 2022 Total mileage 5795 Mileage this month 542 Costs this month £0 mpg this month 43.7

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