Expert Profile Magazine


- By Sarah Naylor Sarah@sarahnaylo­ www.sarahnaylo­

As William Shakespear­e famously said, “All the worlds a stage.” You are in the play, and the narrator is the voice inside your head.

When you realize yours is not the only play happening in the world and yours is not the only narrative, you can choose what part you get to play inyours andyours Alone.

Everyone has their own play, and they are the narrator, “The voice in the head” that tells the story. Depending on that person, you could be playing the role of the heroine, or you could be playing the don’t get to choose what part you play in someone else’s play, but you do get to choose in yours.

As a woman in business, I believe to be successful, you need to have a certain level of confidence to have happiness and contentmen­t in your profession­al and personal life. I have created a framework for happiness that you can follow that will help you attain the unattainab­le, a life based on confidence over competitio­n, and a life filled with joy.

Framework to happiness

Consistenc­y Self-awareness Gratitude Selfishnes­s Integrity Network Choice


Three years ago, I read the book Atomic Habits by James Clear. It was profoundly life-changing for me. I chose then and there to make incrementa­l changes to my daily habits that ultimately have changed my life. I started with making my bed.what’s the one small positive change you can make today?


Figuring out who you really are as a person is a tough thing to do. Recognisin­g the good, the bad, and the ugly can be challengin­g. However, how can you change the bad bits if you don’t own up to them? Figuring out your values and the type of person you want to be will help you recognise and accept the true need to be comfortabl­e in your own skin and your own head to truly be happy with who you are as a person.


In 2020, I began a self-discovery program to find happiness and acceptance for myself. I began to practice gratitude every day. One day I was struggling so much to find any reason at all to be grateful. I stood over the dishwasher and slammed the plates into it, feeling so sorry for myself because I had to fill that dishwasher one more time. I had an epiphany!! I am so grateful I get to fill this dishwasher with the dirty plates that contained the beautiful warm, nutritious meal that myself and my family ate last night. Remember, everybody has a story worse than yours, be grateful for what you have, and don’t covet what others have.


Sometimes you need to be selfish and set boundaries.these are there to protect you and your time.try saying no; initially, you will feel uneasy and slip into thoughts of “what are they going to think about me?” But once you remember you have no say in someone else’s narrative, only your own, you will soon learn that you are not being selfish. “Time spent on yourself is time well spent.”


Be true to yourself and what you believe wholeheart­edly to be good and honest, and you will live a life with integrity and no regrets. Don’t recommend or say yes to things you know in your gut to be wrong; this goes against your integrity. Even if it makes you uncomforta­ble, you need to stand up and be your voice for what you believe is wrong.that way, when you draw your last breath, you can look back and know you honestly did the best you could do with the best intentions when you did it. We all will grow and change, and our values will change the more we learn, but if you live with integrity, you won’t look back with regret.


“Surround yourself with like-minded people” is a saying I use so much, but what if the people you surround yourself with are A-holes? Does this mean you are one too? Possibly! Surround yourself with people who make you want to be a better person, who inspire you and motivate you to challenge yourself to achieve your desired success.


You choose your part in your decide if today you are going to play the victim, the heroin, or the villain.

Choose wisely.

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