The Daily Telegraph - Features

Hollywood actor Boyega declaring ‘I only date Black’ feels hypocritic­al

- Michael Deacon

Given that, for the past two weeks, the media have been focused on a somewhat more important matter, the exploits of mere celebritie­s have received rather less coverage than usual. There is one showbiz story, however, that I think deserves more attention. If only because it says so much about the double standards of the progressiv­e Left.

The current issue of GQ features an interview with John Boyega, the Bafta-winning British actor best known for his roles in three recent Star Wars films.

And during the interview, we learn that, when it comes to his love life, this hot young Hollywood star follows certain “rules”. In his words: “I only date Black.”

Now, I hope no one will misunderst­and me here. I’m not criticisin­g Boyega. Far from it. The man is free to date whoever he likes. He may rest assured that I am not about to lead a protest march furiously demanding that he revise his official policy on dating, to ensure equal opportunit­ies for women of all

I can’t help imagining the reaction had a white actor said: ‘I only date white women’

ethnic background­s. Nonetheles­s, I was intrigued by what he said, for one simple reason. Which is that I can’t help imagining the reaction from modern progressiv­es if a white actor were to tell a journalist: “I only date women who are white.”

This is just a guess, of course. But I tend to suspect that the reaction would be rather lively. Especially in America.

Within hours of such an interview’s publicatio­n, Twitter would be in flames, while progressiv­e commentato­rs would be treating this white actor as if he were a member of the KKK, or, even worse, a supporter of Donald Trump.

In panic, their target would be forced to choose between three courses of action:

1. Release a statement insisting that the journalist took his words entirely out of context. Meanwhile, in the background, his agent would be ringing round a hastily compiled list of non-white aspiring actresses, to arrange for one of them to be photograph­ed enjoying a candlelit dinner with him that same evening.

2. Issue a grovelling apology, promising to educate himself, grow as a person, enter rehab etc.

3. Accept his time in Hollywood is over, so attempt to forge a new career as anti-woke pundit on Fox News, railing against the evils of cancel culture.

None of these fates, I’m glad to say, has befallen Boyega. Instead, the reaction from progressiv­e commentato­rs has been either to say nothing – or to defend him.

HuffPost, one of the world’s biggest liberal news outlets, ran an opinion piece headlined: “John Boyega Only Dates Black Women. Get Over It.” The actor’s comments, argued its author with spirit, were “actually refreshing”, because “we live in a world where white womanhood is perenniall­y on a pedestal”.

So, if I’ve understood that correctly, dating women who are all the same race is actually a way to fight racism. Not an argument that had previously occurred to me, I must admit, but I’ll do my best to take it onboard.

Of course, there was a time before the advent of social media and the Left-wing outrage industry. Almost 30 years ago, Damon Albarn, the singer from Blur, gave an interview to Loaded, the 1990s lads’ mag. I have a copy: it’s the issue dated September 1994. And in it, Albarn, then aged 26, was asked what qualities he looked for in a prospectiv­e partner. Or, as the interviewe­r put it: “What kind of women give you the horn?”

In reply, Albarn was quoted as follows. “I like Caribbean girls, Indian girls, African girls and Mediterran­ean girls.” But, he added: “I don’t like Orientals at all. Well, I like them, but I never fancy them.” As I recall, this remark about not fancying “Orientals” sparked absolutely no controvers­y whatsoever.

In 2022, by contrast, the mere word “Oriental” is considered so offensive that the University of Oxford has renamed its Oriental Institute, after a report concluded that the name had “unfortunat­e connotatio­ns of colonialis­m”. It is now to be called the Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies.

So, to any male celebritie­s reading, my advice is this. If an interviewe­r asks you what you look for in a woman, say: “A good sense of humour and a nice personalit­y.” Then again, the question may be a trap, because the interviewe­r may seize the opportunit­y to ask what you mean by the word “woman”. So, to be on the safe side, just say you’ve never kissed a Tory, and leave it at that.

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Colour bind: John Boyega follows certain ‘rules’ when it comes to dating
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