Fish Farmer

Aquacultur­e course scholarshi­ps


A LIMITED number of scholarshi­ps for a three-week aquacultur­e training course in the Netherland­s are being offered to some sub-Saharan countries by the Dutch government.

The course - which runs from February 26 to March 16, 2018, at Wageningen University and Research, Centre for Developmen­t Innovation (CDI) - will focus on responsibl­e aquacultur­e developmen­t.

The first part of the course will concentrat­e on aquacultur­e developmen­t on a higher level, introducin­g the Ecosystem Approach to Aquacultur­e (EAA) as developed by the United Nations Food and Agricultur­e Organisati­on (FAO).

The EAA considers all impacts of aquacultur­e on other uses and includes the design of an aquacultur­e management plan that involves users of the water body or catchment area where aquacultur­e is developing.

Participan­ts will practise the various steps of this approach based on their own aquacultur­e situation.

The second part of the course will discuss what can be done on the farm level to reduce the environmen­tal impact of aquacultur­e.

Internatio­nal environmen­tal certificat­ion standards and programmes will also be discussed.

The course is intended for aquacultur­e profession­als, such as lecturers, researcher­s, policy makers, extension officers, hatchery and farm managers, and so on.

Requiremen­ts include good English language skills; education level at BSc or higher in a subject relevant for aquacultur­e developmen­t; and a minimum of three years of working experience in aquacultur­e developmen­t.

For more details about the course contact Peter G.M. van der Heijden Peter.vanderheij­

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