Fish Farmer

UK farmed seafood sales on rise


FARMED seafood sales in Britain are rising at an impressive rate, but the public may not always be aware what they are buying, a new Seafish market insight report found.

The report revealed that in the 52 weeks to June 2019 the farmed seafood share of the top five species in the UK totalled 83,301 tonnes and was worth £1.4 billion.

In volume terms, aquacultur­e accounted for 38.2 per cent of the five best selling seafood types, but was worth considerab­ly more - 55.4 per cent - by value over the same period.

For seafood species of all types, the farmed share was 46 per cent (£1.6 billion) in value and 31 per cent (just over 108,000 tonnes) in volume.

However, the public sometimes holds mistaken views about which types of fish are cultivated and those that are wild caught.

The report said:‘It may be a surprise for UK shoppers to know how much of the seafood they purchase is farmed, and indeed which species are farmed.

‘Many shoppers are aware of the existence of farmed salmon and prawns, but most assume their purchases are wild caught, as it’s not common practice to have ‘farmed’ in a prominent place on front of pack.

‘Shoppers are less likely to associate aquacultur­e with other farmed species such as seabass, oysters, mussels and turbot.’

It adds:‘It’s a common consumer misconcept­ion that farmed seafood is a cheap and cheerful option. In 2019, a number of farmed species had an average price over double that of cod or haddock.‘

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