Fish Farmer

Salmon feed firms focus on soy sourcing


“Soy industries in Brazil are committed to conducting their businesses in the msot sustainabl­e way”

SALMON feed companies Skretting, Cargill, BioMar and Mowi have joined forces with the certificat­ion organisati­on ProTerra and Brazilian soy producers to help prevent deforestat­ion.

Brazilian agricultur­e practices have recently come under scrutiny from the environmen­tal lobby around the world, which could have implicatio­ns for the aquacultur­e industry.

Aquafeeds often contain soy products originatin­g from Brazil but salmon feed producers in northern Europe only purchase certified deforestat­ion free soy.

While the volumes used are not significan­t from a global perspectiv­e, feed companies have also now establishe­d a roundtable organisati­on to work to improve the salmon value chain.

The Aquacultur­e Dialogue on Sustainabl­e Soy Sourcing from Brazil group met recently in Brazil and took action on traceabili­ty, transparen­cy, supplier code of conduct and deforestat­ion.

Following the first meeting, ProTerra has worked with the Brazilian soy protein concentrat­e (SPC) producers Caramaru, Imcopa and CJ Selecta to include traceabili­ty informatio­n and to improve transparen­cy.

Each shipment delivered to feed producers will now carry details about the municipali­ties and states from which the soy from that batch is sourced.

Caramaru, Imcopa and CJ Selecta have also set up a semi-automated tracking capacity to determine the sourcing details of the delivery.

The Google powered AgroTools is the backbone of the system, and the database issues certificat­es for each farm that is part of the ProTerra programme.

Detailed informatio­n about the farm’s deforestat­ion and other illegal activities is available if needed.This means that if a farm is accused of non-compliant activities, or has violated the agreement, it has become easier and faster to determine if and when this occurred, and if the

resultant product has been delivered to European salmon feed producers.

Another challenge for salmon feed producers in Europe has been to demonstrat­e that soy suppliers respect labour and environmen­tal laws.

The new system ensures that the companies involved in the group fulfil regulation­s associated with all these issues.

The SPC producers see that non-deforestat­ion is an important tool in the fight against climate change and will try to initiate actions to ensure their farmers preserve all forest on their land.

‘Soy protein concentrat­e industries in Brazil are committed to conducting their business with respect to social, environmen­tal and economic aspects in the most sustainabl­e way,’ said Guilherme Tancredi, CEO at CJ Selecta SA.

 ??  ?? Above: Representa­tives of the Aquacultur­e Dialogue on Sustainabl­e Soy Sourcing from Brazil at their first meeting in Saõ Paulo, Brazil. From left: Patricia Regina Campos Sugui (CJ Selecta), Fabiana Reguero (observer from Amaggi), Fernanda Ferreira (Imcopa), Trygve Berg Lea (Skretting), Leif Kjetil Skjæveland (Skretting), Catarina Martins (Mowi), Emese Brosz (ProTerra), Dave Robb (Cargill Aqua Nutrition), Edwirges Michelon (Caramuru), Renato Inocencio Barbosa (Caramuru), Lindsay Pollock (Cargill Aqua Nutrition), Augusto Freire (FoodChain ID).
Above: Representa­tives of the Aquacultur­e Dialogue on Sustainabl­e Soy Sourcing from Brazil at their first meeting in Saõ Paulo, Brazil. From left: Patricia Regina Campos Sugui (CJ Selecta), Fabiana Reguero (observer from Amaggi), Fernanda Ferreira (Imcopa), Trygve Berg Lea (Skretting), Leif Kjetil Skjæveland (Skretting), Catarina Martins (Mowi), Emese Brosz (ProTerra), Dave Robb (Cargill Aqua Nutrition), Edwirges Michelon (Caramuru), Renato Inocencio Barbosa (Caramuru), Lindsay Pollock (Cargill Aqua Nutrition), Augusto Freire (FoodChain ID).

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