Fish Farmer

Norwegian ministry looks to streamline regulation­s


NORWAY’S Seafood and Fisheries Minister has recruited a small team of fish farming industry experts to help him get rid of outdated regulation­s.

Odd Emil Ingebrigts­en wants to simplify many of the rules which govern the sector and replace them with legislatio­n more in line with the needs of the future.

Instead of turning to civil servants, he has invited five executives from various branches of the commercial industry to help him.

Ingebrigts­en said: “I have on a number of occasions received input [from the sector] on what changes and simplifica­tions governing regulation­s that affect the aquacultur­e industry are needed.

“We must try to remove as many unnecessar­y obstacles as possible for both the large and small players so that we can provide even better arrangemen­ts for increased value creation, and more jobs along the entire coast.”

The working group, which has been given a brief to iron out ambiguitie­s and come up with ideas that avoid areas of potential conflict, is scheduled to have its recommenda­tions ready by 1 June this year.

However, they can only change those regulation­s which come under the remit of the Fisheries and Seafood Minister.

The Minister said he hopes the working group will not only simplify some of the rules, but will drop those they feel are outdated or unnecessar­ily bureaucrat­ic.

He added: “At the same time we must ensure we still have good control where that is necessary.”

The Minister’s working group consists of industry operators and advisers: Line Ellingsen of Ellingsen Seafood;

Fredd Wilsgård of Wilsgård fish farming; Jim Roger Nordly of the aquacultur­e support company STIM; Liv Marit Aarseth of Grieg Seafood; and Harald Ellefsen of the Norwegian legal firm SANDS, which includes aquacultur­e among its areas of expertise.

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Above Line Ellingsen

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