BBC Science Focus

TESS has found its first planet within the Goldilocks zone

The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite spotted the planet just over 100 light-years away


NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) has spotted its first potentiall­y habitable planet in a star’s ‘Goldilocks zone’, where conditions are just right to allow the existence of liquid water and therefore life.

Named TOI 700d, the planet is the latest in a handful of potentiall­y habitable Earth-sized worlds found throughout the Galaxy. It is around 20 per cent bigger than Earth, completes its orbit every 37 days and receives 86 per cent of the energy from its star that the Sun provides to Earth.

It is the outermost planet found in orbit around the star TOI 700, which is a small, cool, dwarf star located just over 100 light-years from Earth in the southern constellat­ion Dorado. TOI 700 is roughly 40 per cent of the Sun’s mass and size, and about half its surface temperatur­e.

“TESS was designed and launched specifical­ly to find Earth-sized planets orbiting nearby stars,” said Dr Paul Hertz, astrophysi­cs division director at NASA in Washington. “Planets around nearby stars are easiest to follow up with larger telescopes in space and on Earth. Discoverin­g TOI 700d is a key science finding for TESS. Confirming the planet’s size and habitable zone status with Spitzer is another win for Spitzer as it approaches the end of science operations this January.”

TESS views large swathes of the sky, called sectors, for 27 days at a time. This long period of observatio­n allows the satellite to monitor changes in a star’s brightness caused by an orbiting planet crossing in front of its star from our perspectiv­e, an event called a ‘transit’.

While the exact conditions on TOI 700d are a mystery, a team of researcher­s at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center used known informatio­n, such as the planet’s size and the type of star it orbits, to generate a series of computer models and make prediction­s. One simulation revealed an ocean-covered world surrounded by a dense, carbondiox­ide-dominated atmosphere, similar to what scientists suspect surrounded Mars when it was young. Another model depicts TOI 700d as a cloudless, all-land version of modern Earth.

“It’s exciting because no matter what we find out about the planet, it's going to look completely different from what we have here on Earth,” said Gabrielle Englemann-Suissa, who led the computer modelling team.

 ??  ?? Artist’s impression of the Earth-like exoplanet TOI 700d, located just over 100 light-years away
Artist’s impression of the Earth-like exoplanet TOI 700d, located just over 100 light-years away

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