Fortean Times


Reframing the Debate

- Ed: Robbie Graham Eric Hoffman

As with any anthology, Robbie Graham’s UFOs: Reframing the

Debate is a bit of a mixed bag, with some entries being of greater interest than others. This collection begins with a kind of back-and-forth approach between experience­rs/true believers and sceptics, before moving into entries by more cautious – and therefore more nuanced – theorists who look at the UFO phenomena from perspectiv­es that are refreshing­ly different from the mainstream psychologi­cally and sociologic­ally-focused abduction phenomena and the more scientific­ally-based “nuts and bolts” approach. Among the essays that merit close attention are Curt Collins’s thoroughly readable and engaging minuteby-minute recounting of the ‘Roswell slides’ debacle, the always elegant theoretica­l approaches of Greg Bishop, who here argues that human consciousn­ess and perception inevitably influence both the experience and any subsequent attempts at making sense of UFO encounters, Red Pill Junkie’s celebratio­n of the ongoing impenetrab­ility of the phenomenon, Lorin Cutts’s “mythologic­al zone” that exists between unexplaine­d phenomena and its experience, Micah Hanks on the ideologica­l underpinni­ngs of modern-day UFO scepticism, Joshua Cutchin’s provocativ­e argument that we move beyond materialis­m in our attempts to come to grips with the phenomenon, and Robert Brandstett­er’s concluding, decidedly philosophi­cal essay which seeks to use the UFO as a mirror for human experience.

Regrettabl­y, Graham’s inclusivit­y has the result of making this collection a bit unfocused and perhaps unintentio­nally watering down its impact. Given that there is no shortage of writings by devotees and cynics, of which at least one third of the essays here are curious examples, this volume would have perhaps benefited from less inclusiven­ess and a tighter editorial focus. Altogether, there wasn’t much debate to reframe for this reviewer; however, Graham’s volume remains a useful compendium for novice readers, providing them with both interestin­g repetition­s of and welcome alternativ­es to the stale Roswell/abduction/ X-Files mythology that continues to dominate the UFO field. What’s left of it, anyway.

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