Fortean Times

Bombshell: The Hedy Lamarr Story

Dir Alexandra Dean, US 2017 On UK release from 9 March

- Leyla Mikelssen

Anyone who knows their Hollywood history will not only recognise the name Hedy Lamarr, but also be able to put a gorgeous face to it. However, as many a woman with equal parts beauty and intelligen­ce can confirm, the former tends to be remarked upon and celebrated a lot more than the latter; and in Lamarr’s case, she would come to consider her beauty a curse. Just as fans of Hollywood glamour will cherish Lamarr the movie star, anyone with a decent knowledge of science and technology can attest to Lamarr’s scientific accomplish­ments being just as, if not more, remarkable, as she played an integral part in developing the technology that people currently rely on for their Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and GPS needs.

In this documentar­y, the life, career and inventive genius of this remarkable woman are explored in detail. In an era of social change when women are increasing­ly gaining voices to tell their stories, Lamarr’s is one that certainly deserves to be told, as it’s a thrilling, witty and tragic tale of a woman for whom recognitio­n is long overdue.

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