Fortean Times

Pink balls


Peter Brookesmit­h’s UFO column ‘Going mental’ [ FT359:30] had a photograph of what appears to be a large red/pink Moon with three alien spacecraft. He describes tongue-incheek how aliens may be trying to contact earthlings, and how earthlings may be able to communicat­e, through telepathy, lights in the sky, or automatic writing. Apparently Deanna Jaxine Stinson in California had the urge to take a photograph of the sky, although she did not see the lights at the time. It would seem that she can psychicall­y tell when there is a portal in the sky, and has actually taken a photograph of a portal.

In the 1960s in the early hours of the morning, I was with my first husband coming back from a gig – he was a jazz musician. We were just coming out of the Dartford tunnel (before the Dartford Crossing was built) and in the sky we saw a huge pink ball, about the size of the Moon. It was definitely not the Moon, as it appeared to be revolving. It was the colour known as ‘shocking pink’. We got out of the car and stared at this thing for a few minutes. Then, whoosh, it shot away at great speed, far faster than any man-made aircraft was capable of. Then in the 1970s I was with my father in Norwood, south London, when about 10pm I saw the same thing, and pointed it out to my father. Again we stood and stared at this ‘shocking pink’ object for a few minutes. This time it was static, before shooting away at great speed. One second it was there, the next it was gone.

It is strange that I have had the same experience twice, 10 years or so apart. I have always thought that I had witnessed an alien spacecraft, but had not heard of a UFO looking like that. On studying the photograph again, I have come to the conclusion that the pink globe could be a mother ship, and the three lights in the sky are satellite spacecraft, sent out to assess the area, collect informatio­n, or communicat­e. Have any readers seen anything like this, or does anyone have a logical explanatio­n? Jenni Kemp Bishop’s Stortford, Hertfordsh­ire

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