Fortean Times

Too dismissive


I’ve seen several letters over the last couple of years complainin­g that FT is being too sceptical. I fear that Dr Paul Lee’s article [FT437:38-41] goes further than that and introduces insufferab­le smugness to the table. His article insults a large number of people who take a serious interest in the ‘spectral nation’ and who give of their time and effort to investigat­e. Are they sometimes confused or misled? Yes. Do they deserve to be savaged by Dr Lee? No.

Take me, for instance. About 20 years ago I attended one of the ghost tours he vilified. Why did I go along? Because of Most Haunted and a general interest in the paranormal. The event was led by two mediums, but the group gave some very sensible guidance about how the investigat­ions should progress and the session finished with everyone getting together to discuss results. Were there some people who claimed every creak, groan and crunch was the spectre of Jack the Ripper? Yes – but none of those claims were made by the organisers. Were there people attending who just wanted to be scared? Of course.

But those people only tended to go once. Personally, I hadn’t experience­d anything (nor had the friends I was with), but we all wanted to learn more – and so we went on more investigat­ions. And after a while, we had some experience­s that none of us could explain. Some were scary, some were funny, some were just weird. But at no point did we make assumption­s. We tried to look for explanatio­ns and more things ended up with a mundane explanatio­n than not. As we attended more investigat­ions, we worked with the same people several times and those people had a methodical approach and were just curious about the paranormal.

After a time, I got invited to be part of another group that took a more scientific approach. We had a couple of members who were sensitive, but everyone approached the investigat­ions with the view that what we wanted was proof. To that end, we would research the buildings and areas we were visiting, looking for histories of hauntings, events in the local area and newspaper reports. We did our best not to misinterpr­et anything that we found.

Dr Lee makes a wide variety of assumption­s about amateur investigat­ors – they are too dumb to understand their equipment; they will accept the ‘utterances’ of mediums or psychics over historical documentat­ion; and, of course, they will believe Derek Acorah.

Businesses prefer to respond to people who are going to pay them rather than take the time to reply to Dr Lee? And charge people to use their premises? How shocking! Businesses, especially those concerned with hospitalit­y, are going through a time of economic crisis and are doing whatever they can to make money.

The work that Dr Lee has done is both interestin­g and valuable, but it is undermined by his smug attitude. Let’s face it, we all hate what Most Haunted did, and anyone who takes investigat­ions seriously keeps as far away from it as possible.

Andy Barkham

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