
‘New Adventuron Literacy Jam Underway! ’


Welcome back my fellow adventurer­s to yet another edition of Fusion Adventure, Colin Bell here, Fusion Dungeon Master and your expert guide to the world of high adventures new and old.

As we all ‘March’ forward into ‘Spring’ we can finally begin to look forward to warmer weather and lighter nights, or at least those of you who live above the hallowed halls of can. For down here in my dungeon the eerie darkness remains ever present and a cold chill lingers in the air. But fear not dear friends for my fire still burns brightly in the safety my of inner sanctum and it is here that I invite you all to come and sit as we join together once more.

My ravens have been busy scouring the lands for the latest adventurin­g news and have returned bringing me scrolls that tell of a new and exciting and of an intriguing new ‘full motion video’ interactiv­e thriller.

For the reviews this month we are looking at one of my favourite genres and past times, dungeon crawling! First with a look at new sci-fi horror on the Amiga and then a look back at a game that set the standard for all dungeon crawlers throughout the late 80s and into the 90s, the cult classic by FTL games. So, come with me now, assemble your best dungeon crawling team as we take a bold step forward onto this month’s news and reviews.

Fancy yourself as a bit of a budding interactiv­e fiction writer or adventure game creator? If the answer is yes, then head on over to the Adventuron website and check out their latest new competitio­n.

Running throughout the month of March is the new ‘Text Adventure Literacy Jam’ in which entrants have been challenged with putting together a text adventure that is suitable for children who have no prior experience with the genre.

Once the Jam is finished all the games entered will be ranked and an overall winner announced. There’s also a fine selection of loot on offer to the top winners with items including a Raspberry Pi 400, Pi Pico microcontr­ollers, bookazines, download keys and even a signed and personalis­ed T-Shirt from the grandaddy of text adventures himself, Mr. Scott Adams of ‘Adventure Internatio­nal’ fame.

If you fancy seeing what all the fuss is about or even giving it a go yourself then head on over to: https://itch.io/jam/talp

Castle Fusion

Adventuron Literacy Jam

Black Dawn: Rebirth

Dungeon Master

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