Garden Answers (UK)


Test your gardening knowledge with our brain teasers this month!



1 Green-skinned citrus fruit more tender in gardens than lemon (4) 3 Raphanus sativus, pungent-tasting, red-skinned salad root vegetable (6) 7 Cactus family genus that includes the edible prickly pear (7) 8 Night-scented - - - - -, fragrant member of the matthiola genus (5) 9 Euphorbia martini ‘- - - - - Rainbow’, spurge sharing its name with a ‘royal’ Berkshire racecourse (5) 11 Genus of around 30 species to which mallows belong (5) 13 Liriodendr­on tulipifera commonly known as - - - - - tree (5) 15 Conifer whose blue-black fruits are used to flavour gin (7) 16 Purple or white-flowered Hesperis matronalis or sweet - - - - - - (6) 17 Athyrium filix-femina or - - - - fern with divided, pale green fronds (4)


1 Arum maculatum, red-berried perennial or - - - - - and ladies (5) 3 Name sometimes given to yarrow or Achillea millefoliu­m (7) 4 Genus of ground-covering blue-flowered bugles (5) 5 Bleeding - - - - -, dicentra with arching stems of drooping blooms (5) 6 ‘Bishop of - - - -’, dahlia grown for its dark foliage and golden flowers (4) 10 Feathery, pink-flowered annual coxcomb genus of the amaranth family (7) 11 Astrantia - - - - -, larger of these decorative pink or white beauties (5)

12 Fruit belonging to malus genus (5) 13 Lilium martagon or - - - -’s cap lily with curled-up hat-like petals (4)

14 - - - - - black, world’s first postage stamp and Nemophila menziesii cultivar (5)

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