Garden Answers (UK)



These exotic-looking trumpet-like flowers in rich reds and delicate pastel colours can only be grown indoors, where they’ll produce flowers over winter. 1 FIND THE RIGHT POT These plants like to be constricte­d in a snug-fitting pot, so find a container that’s just 5-6cm (2-3in) bigger than the diameter of the bulb. Make sure the pot has drainage holes. 2 USE GRITTY COMPOST Fill the pot about halfway with a mix of two parts goodqualit­y compost and one part horticultu­ral grit. Nestle the bulb on top so it sits with two-thirds in the compost and one-third above. 3 FIRM THEM IN Fill between the bulb and the side of the pot with compost and firm in. Water and place somewhere sunny and warm. When the flower is about to open, move to a slightly cooler spot to prolong flowering.

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