Garden Answers (UK)

Make the display last...


CORNUS ALBA ‘SIBIRICA’ This red-stemmed dogwood is a winter classic, the bare stems bringing welcome warmth to a grey landscape. H and S2.5m (8ft) ORIGANUM LAEVIGATUM ‘HERRENHAUS­EN’ Pretty, dusky-pink flowered oregano for a well-drained sunny site. Flowers MaySept. H and S45cm (18in) SYMPHYOTRI­CHUM LATERIFLOR­UM Calico aster with masses of tiny white and pink flowers in late summer and early autumn. H and S60cm (2ft) SANGUISORB­A OFFICINALI­S ‘TANNA’ Low mounds of blue-tinged foliage and wine-red bobble flowers July-Sept. H and S60cm (2ft)

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