Garden Answers (UK)

How hot?


Chill heat is measured using Scoville Heat Units (SHU), from 0 to 1,000,000+

MILD: ‘Trinidad Perfume’ (0-500 SHU) has mild, sweet, fruity, yellow chillies with the typical habanero flavour but not the heat. H60cm (2ft). £2.49 for 8 seeds Suttons 0844 326 2200; MEDIUM: ‘Prairie Fire’ (70,00080,000 SHU) has lots of small, hot, rainbow-coloured fruit on a neat dwarf plant. H20cm (8in). £2.99 for 10 seeds Thompson & Morgan 0844 573 1818;

HOT: ‘Bhut Jolokia Fiery Furnace’ (1,000,000 SHU) is a ridiculous­ly hot chilli that even comes with a health warning; takes longer to mature so best sown early. £2.30 for 8 seeds Kings Seeds 01376 570000;

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