Garden Answers (UK)



Q I don’t have space in my garden, can I grow them in pots? A Absolutely! Plant one tuber of a first or second early in a large pot or dedicated 8L potato bag, or two or three in larger pots. Keep them well watered and you’ll get a big crop of beautifull­y clean tubers. For an early harvest grow some in a greenhouse.

Q Why has the foliage gone black in spring? A Frost blackens tender potato foliage just as it does dahlias or pelargoniu­ms. If foliage has been scorched, plants will be set back but they usually recover. Take care to earth up and cover with fleece when frosts are forecast, especially once foliage is through.

Q My plants got blight. How can I avoid it? A Late blight is an airborne pathogen that becomes an increasing threat from August onwards because it requires warm wet weather to spread. Cut o£ the tops as soon as you see brown spots on leaves and stems, and burn or pop them in the council green waste bin. That way, the spores shouldn’t make their way down to the tubers and your potatoes, although smaller from an early harvest, won’t be affected.

Q Why are there rough patches on the tubers? A Common potato scab causes raised bumpy patches and cracking on the skin. Caused by a bacteria like pathogen, it’s worse when potatoes have been too dry or are growing on alkaline soil. Water deeply each week in dry spells and, on alkaline soil, grow scab-resistant cultivars such as ‘Accent’ (first early, waxy) and maincrop ‘Golden Wonder’ (for roasting and frying).

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