Garden Answers (UK)

Tidy summer shrubs Now’s the time to prune back early-flowering shrubs. Here’s what to do

Now’s the time to prune back early-flowering deutzia and weigela, together with wisteria and blackcurra­nts


While winter pruning stimulates growth, summer pruning restricts it. This is because in summer the plants are in full leaf so you’re cutting off the leaves they need to produce energy and growth. It’s also crucial to cut back plants that flower in late spring and early summer; prune at any other time and you’ll remove next year’s precious f lower buds.

Plants to prune now

Wisteria These climbers need pruning in winter and summer to control their growth and to produce the best display of spring blooms. Tie in the main horizontal growth and upright shoots to their supports then shorten all sideshoots back to 4-6 leaves from the main framework. Ornamental cherry trees All plants in the prunus family can be attacked by silver leaf – a fungal disease that’s air-borne between September and June, so July and August are the safest times to prune. Scour the plant for dead, damaged and crossing branches, which may rub and cause wounds. Prune back to a main branch or an outward-facing bud to encourage an open shape. Wait until next month to tackle orchard fruits such as peaches, cherries, plums and gages, pruning once you’ve finished harvesting. Blackcurra­nts These fruit on the previous year’s growth, so prune out this year’s fruiting stems as close to the base as possible and harvest the currants from the cut stems at the same time. This year’s new stems will then have space to grow and produce next year’s crop. Early-flowering shrubs Trim philadelph­us, weigela, kolkwitzia and deutzia after blooming to allow next year’s flowering wood to develop. Remove one-third of the oldest, thickest stems close to the ground and trim back any over-exuberant growth to just above a bud or pair of buds.

 ??  ?? Cut back philadelph­us once it’s finished flowering
Cut back philadelph­us once it’s finished flowering
 ??  ?? Shorten all wisteria sideshoots
Shorten all wisteria sideshoots
 ??  ??

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