Garden Answers (UK)



Q How do I keep my leafy herbs cropping? A

Annual leafy herbs such as basil, parsley, coriander and dill give the maximum harvest if they’re grown smoothly without any checks in growth. Plants that are stressed, whether from drought, nutrient shortages or extremes of heat or cold are more likely to run to flower rather than producing lots of leaves.

Pick regularly, remove flower shoots and sow in succession to ensure new plants are ready just as the old ones head to the compost heap.

If perennial leafy herbs such as mint, lovage, lemon balm and chives run to flower, cut them back to the ground and water well and they’ll go on to produce fresh foliage later in the year.

Q Why does my rosemary die back over winter? A

Shrubby Mediterran­ean herbs such as rosemary, thyme and lavender can cope with cold conditions, although there’s variation between cultivars as to how hardy they are. They can’t survive prolonged wet and cold, and good drainage is vital. If you’re on heavy ground, grow these plants in containers of gritty compost or build a raised bed with generous quantities of compost and grit to keep roots out of standing water. Overwinter container plants in a cold greenhouse or move to the base of a south-facing wall.

Q Can I make a herb garden in a shady site? A

Not all herbs require full sunshine, although deep shade is a big ask. Parsley, lovage, coriander (above), mint, sorrel and chervil all perform well in part-shaded conditions. Keep in mind that you can slip in many herbs among ornamental plants, so rather than trying to make a herb garden in a less than perfect spot, get creative with plant combinatio­ns in existing sunny borders. Red orache, fennel, borage and dill are all attractive border plants.

Q Can I take cuttings from an old thyme? A

Take softwood cuttings in late spring to early summer, just as you would for rosemary (left), but removing all but the top two pairs of leaves.

You can also take softwood cuttings from sage. Mint and lemon balm will root simply by placing sprigs in a glass of water. ➤

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