Garden News (UK)

Quick Qu estions


Will my houseplant rejuvenate?

Rudi Fruzynski, E Lothian, Scotland The peace lily, Spathiphyl­lum wallisii, tolerates the dry atmosphere of office and domestic spaces. It was probably chilled moving from an office into a lightly heated conservato­ry in the middle of winter. Try lifting the plants, cu ing back foliage and dead roots and repo ing using a good quality multi-purpose compost with 30 per cent added sharp sand.

Where can I obtain yellow pelargoniu­ms?

Sheila Roberts, London Earlier varieties have been replaced by richer bu eryellow selections. Su ons (tel: 0844 326 2200) offer ‘First Yellow’ and the Vernon Nursery has ‘First Yellow Improved’ (tel: 0844 573 6010). T&M’s (0844 573 1818) ‘Custard Cream’ is a li le darker.

Do I have honey fungus?

Rose Dawson, by email Toadstools of honey fungus normally appear in autumn not winter. There are a number of honey-coloured fungi but armillaria have distinct frills around the stem beneath the cap. Affected trees should be felled and stumps removed.

Is it easy to take cu ings of roses?

Glen Smith, by email In spring take 5cm (2in) softwood cu ings. Treat with hormone rooting powder and insert in pots of cu ings compost of equal quantities of multi-purpose and sharp sand or Perlite. Place in a propagator at 27C (81F) for four weeks beneath a ‘tent’ of polythene. Then reduce heat to 18C (64F). Harden off by reducing the time they are covered. Pot up after a month and cut back.

 ??  ?? The peace lily is normally a good choice for a tough houseplant
The peace lily is normally a good choice for a tough houseplant

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