Garden News (UK)

Readers’ gardens

- Joanna Daniels A family garden in Astley Burf, Worcesters­hire, with recently developed beds and borders.

There’s so much to enjoy in the garden at the moment. Our current favourite is prunus ‘Shirotae’, which is covered in beautiful white blossom. Photograph­s don’t do this tree justice, but we’ve never seen it look as good as it does this year. Also blooming is a deep pink magnolia and a Viburnum carlesii which has very fragrant

flowers. The amelanchie­r tree has just burst into flower as well – the blossom’s very fleeting but we always look forward to it.

In the spring borders I’m pleased erythroniu­m, dog’s tooth violet, is in flower and spreading itself around along with Lathyrus vernus which is also spreading slowly.

There’s plenty of work to do. I tried to dig up and divide a large clump of Iris sibirica, but it didn’t want to be moved and I ended up breaking the handle of my husband’s spade! Undeterred, I found a smaller spade and finally managed to divide it and replant smaller clumps around the garden. We’ve had the opportunit­y to dig up some congested clumps of daffodils from a relative’s garden to replant in our orchard. Following the incident with the spade, I wasn’t allowed anywhere near the long-handled bulb planter! Instead, I had the much nicer job of carefully placing the bulbs in the ground and putting back the plugs of soil.

This time last year our neighbour, Derek, generously gave us many surplus daffodil bulbs which he’d grown in pots. We planted them immediatel­y ‘in the green’ and they’re currently flowering well, a lovely addition to the orchard.

Our smaller greenhouse houses an alpine bench. The best plants on there at the moment are several bright and intricate auriculas.

 ??  ?? The cherry tree ‘Shirotae’ is smothered in pre y blooms Left, beautiful magnolia goblets and, right, the alpine bench is alive with auriculas Burgeoning erythroniu­ms light up shady spots Viburnum carlesii has pre y bloom bunches at this time of year In...
The cherry tree ‘Shirotae’ is smothered in pre y blooms Left, beautiful magnolia goblets and, right, the alpine bench is alive with auriculas Burgeoning erythroniu­ms light up shady spots Viburnum carlesii has pre y bloom bunches at this time of year In...

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