Garden News (UK)

Quick Questions


Can you suggest some evergreen hedging for a cold, windy site?

David Grenfell, Edinburgh There are a number of evergreens that make good hedging in such situations. Consider berberis, especially

B. darwinii, and several of the cotoneaste­rs, with C. lacteus being particular­ly good. Also worth trying are elaeagnus, ilex (holly), Lonicera nitida or Thuja plicata.

Why are my laurels going yellow?

Peter Herbert, by email Laurel is a pre y tough shrub and they’re usually slow to show symptoms. So where plants grown against a wall are yellowing on leaves lower down, it’s possible that they’ve just dried out over the summer. Yellowing on younger growth is a sign of a shortage of nitrogen. In either case, there’s nothing to do now. Next March, if necessary, apply a general-purpose fertiliser such as Growmore, and water.

Can I cut a campsis back to repair a pergola?

Terry Hall, Esher, Surrey Campsis responds well to hard pruning. Cut main stems back to about 30cm (12in) from the ground in late winter. Train in the strongest of the new shoots next spring and summer and remove any excess shoots. It will take a few years for regular flowering to resume.

What’s the name of the yellow-leaved choisya?

Julie Burnham, by email

Choisya ternata ‘Sundance’ has yellow leaves and is widely available from garden centres. Not so widely seen is Choisya

dewi eana ‘Goldfinger­s’. It has similar coloured leaves, but they are narrower. It may also be sold as ‘Limo’ in garden centres.

 ??  ?? Berberis darwinii makes a good hedge plant
Berberis darwinii makes a good hedge plant

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