Garden News (UK)

Homity pie


Serves 4-6

Crisp pastry filled with comforting cheesy onion and leek mash.


750g (26½oz) potatoes, boiled and smoothly mashed with salt only 1 large onion, diced 2 medium leeks, trimmed, cleaned and sliced 1 tablespoon bu er 1 tablespoon oil Freshly ground black and ground white pepper Large pinch mustard 1 tablespoon warm milk (or double cream or crème fraîche) 80g (2¾oz) mature Cheddar cheese, grated


110g (3¾oz) plain flour 110g (3¾oz) wholemeal flour 110g (3¾oz) cold, salted bu er, diced 3 tablespoon­s cold water


You’ll need a greased 18cm (7in) pie dish. Preheat oven to 180C (fan oven), or equivalent Cook onion and leeks slowly in bu er and oil until soft. Whiz flour and bu er into fine crumbs. Add water. Whiz until large clumps form. Bring together gently with your hands and roll into two balls, one a third the size of the other. Roll larger ball into a circle ½cm thick to line pie dish. Line dish, including rim trim. Roll other circle into a long cylinder, the circumfere­nce of the rim. Cut cylinder carefully in half length-wise and lift one half, flat side down, onto dish rim, gently pressing into place. Indent with knife handle or similar. Combine filling ingredient­s, reserving some cheese for top. Pile into dish, sca er with cheese and bake for 30-35 minutes until filling is golden and the pastry crisp.

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