Garden News (UK)

My Life in Plants


The first plant I ever grew

It was curly kale which, surprising­ly, grew big and strong in my very windy and open garden. I didn’t start growing it until my 30s when we moved to Skye. I had lots of healthy seedlings, which I enjoyed sharing with friends. It was really yummy to eat, too!

The plant that shaped the gardener I am today

Four years ago I was doing a pruning workshop at Dunvegan Castle gardens on Skye when I got my first cutting of antirrhinu­m ‘Black Prince’. It ignited a love for propagatio­n and I’m still propagatin­g its offspring to this day.

My favourite plant in the world

I will never forget seeing Himalayan poppy meconopsis ‘Lingholm’ for the first time and thinking: “They come in blue!” But it’s not only its flower I find irresistib­le, I love its golden leaf hairs, which do such an amazing job of collecting moisture from the air!

The plant that made me work hardest

I had to use an iron implement to dig out well-establishe­d clumps of crocosmia lodged in the render of a house! The plant must have been growing there for years and eventually my client and I decided to have the whole bit of wall rerendered as huge bits were falling off.

The plant I’d like to grow more of

Definitely the dwarf papyrus, Cyperus alternifol­ius. Firstly, it’s so much fun to take cuttings from and get them to root. Secondly, it grows very quickly and makes a large, impressive houseplant, which is very slender and graceful at the same time.

The plant I am in human form

My boyfriend says I look like the bird of paradise plant, Strelitzia reginae, as I’ve a rather pointy nose! I don’t for a minute think I’m as beautiful as the plant! Maybe I’m ‘unusual looking’, though?

The plant that helped shape my life

A big breakthrou­gh in my gardening career was when I went from just weeding gardens to also taking people plant shopping or buying plants on their behalf. Acer japonicum ‘Aconitifol­ium’ was the first tree I bought for a client and I’ll never forget it.

The plant I’d always give as a gift

I always try to choose the right plant for the person I’m giving it to. My gifts have included Primula denticulat­a alba, hebe ‘Blue Gem’, Cerinthe major ‘ Purpurasce­ns’, Echium pininana, and evergreen Parahebe catarracta­e ‘Delight’ – it grows so well up here on Skye and it’s one of my favourites.

 ??  ?? Eva is now a passionate gardener on the Isle of Skye. Inset, earlier life in Poland
Eva is now a passionate gardener on the Isle of Skye. Inset, earlier life in Poland
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an m nd Za a Ev of sy te ur Co s: to ho P
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