Garden News (UK)

Medwyn Williams applies some science to leek growing!

I’ve set up a laboratory to find out why my blanch leeks are yellowing at the tips

- MEDWYN WILLIAMS Winner of 11 Chelsea golds and awarded an MBE!

This year I’m trying to get to grips with electrical conductivi­ty (EC), because my blanch leeks are yellowing and dying back at the tips of the leaves. Apparently, it can make a big difference to your plants if you know the EC of your soil.

EC is the measure of total dissolved salts in a solution and this influences a plant’s ability to absorb water. The higher the EC, the more nutrients are available to the plants. But it’s not that easy, as too high an EC can be detrimenta­l to soil and plants.

I decided to check up on the pH of the soil as well as the EC level in the beds where my leeks are growing. To do this, I took eight small soil samples along the bed using a tablespoon, going down to where the roots were. I mixed the samples with deionised water, let the samples settle, filtered them, then took the readings.

I have an accurate pH meter as well as an EC meter. According to the charts, the pH for leeks should be between 6.8 and 7.2 and I was pleased to see that the pH in the bed was 7.0, which is where I like it to be. The EC was 0.8, which is a bit on the low side.

I gave the leeks a liquid feed of Canna Coco A and B to provide all the nutrient elements they require. This raised the soil’s EC level to 1.6. After four days, I tested it again and the EC had gone down, suggesting that the leeks were taking in this additional feed. The nutrients have to travel from the feeding root tips to the tips of the flags – which is at least 2.1m (7ft) – so it’s no wonder they’re yellowing at the tips!

 ??  ?? Watering the leeks with liquid feed to raise the EC level in the soil
Watering the leeks with liquid feed to raise the EC level in the soil
 ??  ?? Measuring the EC of the water solution from the soil leeks are growing in
Measuring the EC of the water solution from the soil leeks are growing in
 ??  ??

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