Garden News (UK)

Getting the best from miniature cactus dahlias


This free-flowering section is best grown in a less fertile part of the garden in full sun, much like the poms. When planting, remove the main growing tip and do this again to the subsequent laterals about three to four weeks later. Allow the plants to flower when they want to because they’ll continue to flush blooms all season.

Start the flowering season by just removing the wing buds to help the stem stay straight, then keep a close eye on the size. If the flowers start to get too small, take out a few more sideshoots and deadhead. If you find they’re still a bit big, leave the old flowers on and the plant will produce more, smaller blooms.

Due to their free-flowering nature, miniature cactus make great garden plants, that will keep borders – and indoor vases – full of colour all season long, so why not give them a try in 2019?

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