Garden News (UK)

Top p 5... shrubs for winter scent

Give your nose as well as your eyes a treat with these perfumed winter wonders


1 Coronilla valentina ‘Citrina’

Pale lemon pea-flowers emit a sweet scent, making a good cut flower. Blooms December to April. Three-leafed, blue-green leaves over a twiggy shrub. Sunny, sheltered spot, in moist, well-drained soil. Hardy to -10C (14F). H/S: 80cm (2¾ft).

Tip Can be pruned and trained as a small wall shrub.

From; tel: 01458 250521.

2 Daphne bholua ‘Spring Herald’

Upright, slowish-growing, semievergr­een shrub with lance-shaped leaves. Clusters of small, white, sweetly scented flowers in January and February. Any moist, well-drained soil, especially chalky. Sheltered spot in sun or semi-shade. Hardy to -10C (14F). H/S: 1.5m (5ft).

Tip Can be trained against a southfacin­g wall.

From www.crosscommo­; tel: 01326 290722.

3 Lonicera elisae

Unusual shrubby, deciduous honeysuckl­e producing pendant clusters of funnel-shaped, white, tinged pink, sweetly-scented flowers in January and February. New foliage flushed purple, turning green. Any moist, well-drained soil in dappled shade. H/S: 1.2-1.8m (4-6ft). Tip Underplant with snowdrops and chionodoxa to dramatic effect. From www.botanicapl­; tel: 01728 747113.

4 Sarcococca hookeriana ‘Winter Gem’

Shrubby, upright evergreen with rich green, glossy, lance-shaped leaves on maroon-purple stems. Sweetly scented white ‘flowers’ along leaf joints in late winter. Any moist, well-drained, humus-rich soil in semi to full shade. H/S: 60cm (2ft).

Tip Useful for growing beneath trees and taller shrubs.

From; tel: 01344 578111.

5 Viburnum farreri ‘Nanum’

Dwarf, twiggy shrub producing clusters of pale pink, scented blooms from November onwards. Lance-shaped leaves purple tinged in spring, turning redpurple in autumn. Any moist, well-drained soil in sun or semi-shade. H/S: 90cm (3ft).

Tip Provide shelter from hard frosts which can damage flowers.

From www.botanicapl­; tel: 01728 747113.

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