Garden News (UK)

Naomi Slade gets smart with her storage!

I’m clearing up with a small, stylish shed

- NAOMI SLADE Award-winning horticultu­ral journalist, author, broadcaste­r and designer

There has been unrest in the household of late. Due to some slight interest in gardening on my part, there’s a necessary and perfectly reasonable accumulati­on of parapherna­lia by the back door. Yet apparently not all is well. Harsh words such as ‘untidy’, ‘scruffy’ and ‘in the way’ have been bandied around. What’s a girl to do?

Having my stuff to hand is important. I can’t store it under the deck: it’s damp. And the crawl-space under the house is too awkward. So the solution is clearly to buy a shed. But what I want is the sort of shed that takes up minimal room in the garden and has maximum internal space – ideally some sort of modest box that has access to a void in space and time and would also accommodat­e a home office… but I don’t think that the chaps who made the TARDIS have expanded to the garden shed market, despite clear commercial potential, so the mundane must suffice!

It’s taken me a while to decide, as size, height, quality and style are all considerat­ions. I don’t want anything tickytacky that will rot in the rain and it has to look pleasing. But there are surprising­ly few really small storage units out there – and in a way it’s fortunate that the eye-wateringly expensive one I fell for is too big for the space.

Finally, I have plumped for a simple sentry box style. Dinky it may be, measuring just 78cm (2½ft) wide, 54.5cm (1¾ft) deep and 178cm (5¾ft) high, but it fits very neatly into the space by the back door on the left-hand side of the deck; doubling as a convenient screen between us and the neighbours.

A nd there’s space for spades and loppers, plant food and string. Seeds can stay inside the house until it has proven itself – they need cool, dry storage and I’m not prepared to risk it. But it’s an interim location for lifted dahlia tubers – at least until it gets really cold.

P ractically speaking, it was easy to erect in about an hour, and while I’m not wild about deep yellow, it was rather a bargain at £149.99 from www.greenfinge­rs. com. Most importantl­y, the end of the kitchen is tidy, my spouse placated and domestic harmony restored!

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 ??  ?? Small sheds look chic and hold a reasonable amount My new sentry box shed has helped restore domestic harmony!
Small sheds look chic and hold a reasonable amount My new sentry box shed has helped restore domestic harmony!
 ??  ?? Oiling the moving parts of secateur blades
Oiling the moving parts of secateur blades
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