Garden News (UK)

Extra-crispy lightly cured Christmas coleslaw


Serves 4-6

Bright, fresh, crisp and simple, with a gorgeous pink dressing, this is the perfect winter and Christmas coleslaw.


300-400g (10½-14oz)red cabbage, tough outer leaves and stalks removed 1 red onion, peeled 40g (1½oz) sea salt flakes (or rock salt, but not fine table salt) 40g (1½oz) golden granulated sugar 2 small-medium size carrots, nothing too big and woody, peeled 50ml (1¾fl oz) cider vinegar


6 tablespoon­s rapeseed oil 1 generous squeeze runny honey 2 rounded teaspoons Dijon mustard 1 small-medium orange


Shred cabbage as finely as possible. Cut onion in half vertically, slice as finely as possible and separate the slices into thin crescents. Combine in a bowl and sprinkle in salt and sugar. Cover and set aside for 30 minutes. Plunge the lightly cured cabbage and onion into a bowl of cold water and leave for 5 minutes. Drain in a colander and plunge again briefly into fresh cold water. Drain again and spread out on a tray lined with several layers of kitchen paper or an old clean cloth (it will stain). Lay more paper or another cloth on top and pat dry. Once dry, combine with carrot grated on coarse side of grater. Stir in cider vinegar. Cover and refrigerat­e for 24-48 hours. When ready to serve, drain off cider vinegar and blend with the oil, honey and mustard. Toss the coleslaw in the dressing and finish with a generous squeeze of orange juice and top with orange zest. Add a few slices of orange as well if you like.

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