Garden News (UK)

Quick Qu estions


What’s this lovely purpleleav­ed shrub?

Margaret Lowson, by email It appears to be Physocarpu­s opulifoliu­s, a tall, deciduous shrub. The most widely grown variety is dark purple-leaved ‘Diabolo’, while ‘Donna May’ is similar, but much lower growing and compact. Your pink-flowered shrub, however, is likely to be dark-leaved ‘Lady in Red’. There are others with white flowers and some yellow-leaved varieties, such as ‘Dart’s Gold’.

How do I deal with 300 leggy plug plants?

Colin Strachan, by email This is due to low light levels. You could install grow lights, but that would be a considerab­le investment for 300 plants. Two Wests & Ellio (www.; tel: 01246 451077) are a good source of profession­al-grade equipment for home gardeners. Plants can be kept more compact by growing them ‘hard’ – with minimum water and heat. You can also pinch back most bedding plants to keep them compact. Alternativ­ely, try arranging a later delivery date with your supplier.

Why has my mahonia foliage turned bright red?

Sheila Roy, Cranbrook, Kent It’s not unusual for mahonias to show bright leaf colour at this time of year as they respond to environmen­tal stress such as the hot, dry summer. Normal leaf colour should be evident in spring. Apply a general-purpose fertiliser in March at one handful per square metre and mulch. Water well once a week in spring if the weather is dry.

 ??  ?? Physocarpu­s opulifoliu­s ‘Diabolo’
Physocarpu­s opulifoliu­s ‘Diabolo’

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