Garden News (UK)

I was scared arthritic hands would stop me doing the job I love. But then I found a ‘miracle’gel!

Paramedic tells how she copes with arthritic pain


MOTHER of three, Sarah Forshaw qualified late in life as a paramedic and has been doing her dream job for almost 10 years now.

But 3 years ago she started suffering with arthritic hands, which put her job in jeopardy.

“My father was a paramedic, when was I growing up I loved to hear about the challenges and amazing things he did, it was all I ever wanted to do.

“But I left school with poor qualificat­ions and I thought that I’d never make it. It was only when I was in my late 20s, when my daughters started school, with the support of my husband and the girls I threw myself into the training and it paid off.

“I qualified almost 10 years ago and love it, no day is the same! I get to meet people from all walks of life, all with different issues and as you can imagine it can be very challengin­g, but so rewarding. I couldn’t imagine doing anything else.”

I started to suffer with arthritic hands

“It’s a demanding job and at times very physical, most days I come home with aches and pains, but you get on with it. But about 3 years ago I started to suffer with painful hands. At first I shrugged it off, along with the other aches and pains but over the next few months my hands became increasing­ly more painful and less flexible.

“It was on a weekend off that Mark noticed me struggling to open a can of beans, it was a small thing, but I got really upset as I realised the problem was getting worse. He is forever telling me that I never put myself first, and so he insisted that I see someone about it. I knew he was right, but my only worry was that I couldn’t risk it getting any worse as I might not be able to carry on with my job.”

Pills made no difference

“So I went to see my GP and he said it was arthritis, as I suspected, but it was not what I wanted to hear. He told me to take antiinflam­matories.

“Reluctantl­y I did that for a few months but they made no difference, in fact, it just got worse. Then reality started to kick in – was this just the start of a downward spiral of pain that rolls into old age?

“One day when I was on a break, I was having a coffee with my colleague Margaret, feeling very sorry for myself. She asked what was wrong so I told her about my aching hands.

“Margaret, God bless her, reached in to her bag and handed over a tube of gel.

“Try this” she said, “I always carry a tube with me, take it, I have plenty at home, it’s totally natural and it works a treat!”

“She then told me how she has suffered with arthritic knees and hands for years, tried all kinds of pills and lotions but the best she’d ever found was FX-Silica Gel.”

“I was amazed, I never knew Margaret had suffered with arthritis, she’d never complained about it once in all the years I have worked alongside her. I’d never heard of FX-Silica Gel, but she said it worked, so I was determined to give it a go.”

Full flexibilit­y back and almost no pain

“I started using it that evening, then twice a day, every day. Almost immediatel­y I could feel a difference and after just a few weeks that difference was remarkable.

“On a night shift with Margaret she asked me how I was doing, I gave her the biggest hug, I don’t know what I would have done if she hadn’t told me about FX-Silica.

“I’ve never looked back, I use it every day now, I can’t believe what a difference it has made. My hands are so much more flexible and I hardly ever have any pain.”

I’ve got my strong grip back

“I’ve also started to use it when I get back pain, it does the trick. And Mark’s started using it on his knees, he plays squash, even though he suffers with knee pain, but he swears by FX-Silica. If anyone suffers with aches and pains I’d highly recommend that they give it a try.”

FX-Silica is available from Health Broadcast for £24.95. To order just call their freephone on 0808 208 0312.

 ??  ?? A natural gel helped Sarah continue to do her job as a Paramedic
A natural gel helped Sarah continue to do her job as a Paramedic

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