Garden News (UK)

The garden joys of working at home!

- Garden News Editor

Garden offices are very much the rage these days, with so many people working at home. I have to say I can see the appeal of a lovely (heated) outdoor building in which to work; last week I was speaking to a friend who was planting dozens of bulbs outside her garden office – what a wonderful view she will have from her desk next spring, not to mention a wonderful commute! For now I’m quite happy working in the house and having the garden as a wonderful place in which to enjoy a few minutes’ break from my computer screen every couple of hours. Often I don’t do much out there beyond inspecting plants and getting some fresh air, but I know how lucky I am to have a garden at all – this year I think we have all appreciate­d our outdoor space more than ever.

If, like me, you’re outside and checking things over, now’s a good time to ensure your garden is as healthy as it can be. Our feature on page 22 is a good place to start – give your plot a health check now and the results next year could be startling.

Of course, one of the joys of this time of year is planning what’s to come – I bet we all have grand ideas for our gardens that are actually quite achievable if we put our minds to it! Carol Klein’s column this week (page 30) is just wonderful – it’s a pleasure to read how such an experience­d and brilliant plantswoma­n can get just as excited (if not more so!) as the rest of us about her plans for her garden.

On that note, I’m off to work out where to put my final few bulbs. Have a great gardening week!

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