Garden News (UK)

Clean and oil your garden tools

It’s good practice to keep them in tip-top condition


Agood standby job for days when it’s too wet or cold to work outside is to make sure all your garden tools are clean and in good condition.

Although it’s good practice to clean tools after every use, I must admit that when I’m in a hurry I do sometimes put spades, forks and other hand tools back in the shed without wiping the soil off first! I’d be in big trouble if my old college lecturers saw that, because as students we had to clean and oil our tools after each practical session!

Keeping tools clean helps to keep them in good condition and it certainly makes them easier to work with as well as prolonging their life. Now, while there’s not much to do in the garden, it’s the perfect time to give all your tools a thorough clean and sharpen if needed. Firstly, wash or brush off any dried soil and then allow them to dry. Stainless steel tools don’t rust, but mild steel ones can be oiled to prevent rust from forming. Any wooden shafts can also be oiled to prevent them drying out too much and to prevent water seeping in. Tools with a cu ing edge, such as a hoe or half moon, can be sharpened with a file or small grinder.

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