Garden News (UK)

Our Venus flytrap is producing new growth but some older parts are dying


Ivy Wilton, by email

Stefan says: The Venus fly trap, Dionaea muscipula, from the south-eastern United States, is one of the easier insectivor­ous plants to grow and is rightly popular. It does need a little special care nonetheles­s, and cannot be treated like other indoor plants.

If new growths are being produced on yours, all is fairly well but the older parts shouldn’t be dying on a one-yearold plant. They do need warm, humid conditions, like the swamp lands where they grow naturally, and I wonder if it’s being allowed to become too cold, perhaps at night, or too dry. Be sure always to use soft rainwater and place it, in its dish of water, nearer to a radiator or other warm spot. But finally, a word of caution, especially if children are involved: do not be tempted to poke it to try and persuade the leaf trap to close!

 ??  ?? Flytraps need a humid environmen­t
Flytraps need a humid environmen­t

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